Once it’s downloaded, drag it into Applications folder (that’s how it is at the time of this posting) and allow it to replace your existing RStudio version. To update RStudio, go to the RStudio website and download the latest version for Mac. You can manually change what version of R your RStudio is using at any time. When you restart RStudio or R Console it should automagically detect and use the new R version. To update R, go to CRAN and download the latest version and run the install. Of course to check what your R Studio version is you just need to click on the Help menu item and then click on “About RStudio”. Minor – the minor version number, including the patch level The two main things you’re looking for when you run R.Version() are:
You can also run the following command in the R console or in RStudio which will give you a lot more information:
You can either just look at the top comment when you load R Console or R Studio: T’s important to first check the R version. Alas, I needed to update R to the latest version, and in the process decided to update RStudio as well. Because R and R Studio don’t necessarily warn you when they need upgrading, I had to figure it out myself when I started getting some weird bugs running assignments during an R class.